I’m Rachel.

I serve high performers with grounded, practical, coaching so you can:

stop stressing about things that don’t matter,

→ focus on what makes a real impact,

→ and do the work that satisfies who you truly are — not just what others expect of you.


  • That we stop wasting A third of our lives doing things we don’t like, chasing someone else’s IDEA of fulfillment.

  • That success in business is no longer defined by conformity and obedience, but rather the unique gifts and self-actualization of each person involved (leaders, teams, and clients).

  • A world in which no one runs their life on mindless autopilot: That every person feels confident and stable in their authentic identity, and lives it with intention, direction, ease, and connection.


I’m a coach, consultant, and lifelong artist, and I’m here to help ambitious leaders live in integrity and ease.

I’m obsessed with how we work because it’s how we spend most of our waking hours. When we improve the habits and attitudes we practice for 40+ hours each week, we make a huge impact on all of life. When business leaders operate with consciousness and compassion, they improve the lives of their team members, clients, and everyone they meet.

  • What we do and achieve is a result of how we think and feel — the network system of thoughts, emotions, upbringing, and conditioning. Are you seeing your true self clearly? What baggage is holding you back from your version of success? I guide you through this inner world with uncanny insight and proven techniques.

  • How you do anything is how you do everything. How you spend your work day is how you spend your life.

    Where are the weak links in your systems? Where are you wasting time and money? What matters most? I provide fresh, experienced perspective on your operations from top to bottom — whether you’re a business of 1 or 1000.

  • Strategy is a combination of vision, purpose, and tactics. When you’re on the inside, it’s hard to see the entire picture. What does success actually mean to you? What are the linchpin issues that will make a real impact on the whole? I identify them so you can get down to making an impact.


You could call me a professional dot-connector. My job is to spot the root cause of your challenge and all the different ways it’s showing up in your life. We work on three levels:

THE MICRO: These are the day-to-day habits and processes of your life. Operate more efficiently. Stop doing 100 things to do the two things that really matter.

THE MACRO: This is the source of your wasted time and energy: Are you precise with your vision, goals, and agreements? What’s hampering your commitment to success?

THE TRANSCENDENT: Go to the source of all things. Do you know who you truly are? How do you approach your thoughts, emotions, and spirit? Do you see a lack of connection and clarity creating confusion and aimlessness in your life?


Coaching, unlike teaching or facilitating a specific method, is all about reflecting and adapting to the client, speaking in the specific language that will land most profoundly for them.

As a lifelong spiritual nerd and hardcore researcher, one of my gifts is synthesizing the wisdom of many schools of thought and applying those insights in grounded, practical ways that resonate with you.

Though you may never even realize it, below are just a few of the many systems I draw upon in our work, primarily because they have created profound consciousness shifts in my own life. If you are interested in the terminology and details of these methods, I’m always glad to share during our sessions! Alternately, if you have a different school of thought you like to work in, I can easily frame our conversation in those terms.

  • Contrary to its mainstream marketing as a tool for relaxation or trance states, meditation is a state of razor-sharp awareness that allows us to touch the very nature of Consciousness. Breathwork is just one of many forms of meditation that we can use to access the powerful insights available when we work with our human consciousness, not against it.

  • These part-science, part-spiritual systems reveal detailed information about our purpose, habits, and challenges in this lifetime. After years of study, I distill the endless details into what matters most for you.

  • The Five Element theory is an ancient framework that informs many traditional technologies such as Chinese Medicine and Feng Shui. The Five Elements teach us to live in alignment with the cycles of Nature, to interrogate and diagnose our internal challenges in new ways, and to operate with less force and more ease.

  • This practical application of profound mindset concepts was created by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Warner Klemp. Designed for business organizations and their leaders, these commitments begin with the way we work every day and quickly transform all of our relationships and endeavors.

  • Mindfulness is "our relationship to experience as it is happening," as described by Jon Kabat-Zinn, and can be practiced in every activity and every moment. During our sessions, I act as a mirror to bring mindful awareness to habits and patterns that you may not have realized are having a profound impact on your life.

  • Created by Danielle LaPorte, The Desire Map is a framework that helps us excavate beneath our tangible desires to discover what will truly fulfill us in this life. By feeling more deeply into what we crave, we can stop chasing surface-level pleasures and find what provides lasting satisfaction.

  • Independent of any religion or philosophy, Kabbalah is a spiritual system that invites us to expand our view of how and why certain things happen in our lives. By adjusting our mindset, we begin to realize how all aspects of life are serving our evolution.

I asked: “What is my genius?”
Here’s what you said.


I work with people who are ready to change: their businesses, careers, and entire lives.

I’m often asked to:

  • Identify and teach you how to work in your zone of Genius

  • Observe and optimize the daily processes that make your business run: how you set goals, hold meetings, create “accountability”, and communicate, both internally and externally

  • Detangle big, abstract concepts and translate them into concrete plans and next steps

  • Teach leaders how to operate their teams with more efficiency, empathy, and flow

  • Facilitate exercises in conscious awareness, emotional intelligence, stress relief, and meditation

My clients are tired of stress, hustle, proving, and disconnection. They’re ready to work smarter, not harder, and in alignment with their true passions. They’re not in it for a quick win; they want real evolution.

I’m here to be your hype man and cheerleader. I support you in building a foundation and committing to your goals. I clear the path in front of you and keep you on it. I’m your guide. I can’t take the action for you.

I’m not for everyone. Our conversations will go deep on marketing logistics one minute, then your limiting childhood beliefs the next. This work is potent and confronting. But if you’re tired of being stuck in indecision and purposelessness; if you’ve tried everything and it doesn’t seem to work; then it’s time to do something new. Challenging. Disruptive.

Let’s imagine the possibilities together.

Every coaching journey begins with a single session. During that time, we’ll determine what the most fruitful way is to continue our work together, ranging from regularly-scheduled sessions (great for accountability and momentum) to Q&A support on a messaging app. Each journey is unique, and that’s what makes it so exciting.

Not quite sure yet? Submit this form for a quick consultation.